Jerusalem Cinematheque

Lighting for the main entrance wall, designed for the 2015 jewish film festival. Inspired by festival logo

Brass pendant lights on 1 of 5 windows. Designed for 2015 jewish film festival. Inspired by Hannukah candles

3 meters high entrance wall. Designed for 33rd Jerusalem film festival

Oak and brass easel for 33rd Jerusalem film festival. The easel designed for showing the movie posters on premieres

2 of 13 black mesh pendants that decorated the pitch point lounge of the 33rd Jerusalem film festival

3 of 12 pendants for the kiosk area of the cinematheque. Designed for 2016 Jewish film festival. Inspired by christmas and Hannukah decorations

Hannukah menorah for Jerusalem cinematheque. Designed for 2016 Jewish film festival